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Following Jesus - What does that mean?

A Follower of Jesus is one who has Surrendered his life to Jesus, Sustains his walk with Jesus by the power that He provides, Sacrifices time, abilities, and finances to follow Jesus, and Shines with the love of Jesus making it easy to Share how and why Jesus is making a difference in his/her life.

The Five Key Practices of Following Jesus

Surrender – John 3:16; Romans 10:9-10, 13

A follower of Jesus is someone who has surrendered his earthly and eternal life to Jesus.

Sacrifice – Matt. 16:24-25

A follower of Jesus is someone who commits to a lifestyle of sacrifice in the Name of Jesus.

Sustain – Acts 2:42

A follower of Jesus is someone who sustains a commitment to personal spiritual growth and a connection to the community of followers known as the church.

Share – Matt. 28:18-20

A follower of Jesus is someone who shares with others how to be a follower of Christ

Shine – Matt. 5:16

A follower of Jesus is someone whose life shines with good works in a sin-darkened world.